Film Poster

This is the poster of the 2004 Spider-man 2 film.

Denotations: A woman holding onto Spider-man, she is looking at something in the distance, he is looking at a dark character, they are in the air over the city of Manhattan.

- The colour red of spider-man suit could be seen as danger or also can be seen as love.
- The way she is holding him shows that she trust him but also shows that she is scared of something and she feels protected in her arms.
- There are two colours that really stand out in the background which is the darkness at the top of the poster but also the gold which looks like the sun is shinning through the darkness, which could give us an impression of the film that its about how the evil character (the darkness) is overcome by the super hero (the gold lighting of the sun).
- Also you can see the character in the reflection of spider-mans eye, this character is in a dark light which could show that he is the evil character and that he is an important character in the film.

Preferred Rading: Spider-man is a superhero who always saves the day and the city from destruction.

Oppositional Reading: Spider-man is the cause of all the destruction and that without him there would be no villains so the city would be better off without him.