Film Pitch

Feedback from our pitch:

Relevant/ Intriguing/ Catchy Film Title?- The people that we were pitching to liked our film title, this is shown because the average score that we received was 7 out of 10 and some of the comments that we received e.g Interesting and exciting.

Interesting Characters and appropriate cats?- The average score that we received from the pitch was again 7 out of 10 and one comment that we got was that the characters that we have chosen link well together.

Was interest created for the audience?- The average score that we received from our pitch was 8 out of 10 which showed that they liked our opening scene and said that it sounded interesting and a lot of action at the start.

Narrative suitable for target audience?- The average score that we received from our pitch was again 8 out of 10 so they thought that it was suitable for the target audience.

Does the narrative fit the genre?- The average score that we received from our pitch was 7 out of 10 and one comment said that it sounded more of a mystery rather than an adventure film so we may need to improve on this and put more adventure scene in the film.

Is the film different?- The average score that we received from our pitch was only 6 out of 10 which shows that we need to work on making this film different from some of the films in the past e.g "Lord of the flies".

Good idea for marketing the film?- The average score that we received from our pitch was 8 out of 10 which shows that they liked our marketing idea especially our twitter page they thought it was different and would work well.

Would you buy the film rights?- There was a mixed response to this with only 6 out of 11 people would buy the film rights but with improvement on  some of the key areas we could improve that number.